Thursday, October 4, 2007

poppin' by Popout 2007 tonight!

Okay, forgive the really cheesy title, but i'll be going down to Popout tonight, thanks to the fabulous invite from estee! i'm really looking forward to this, especially the presentation by gen kanai of mozilla! if you happen to be there, do remember to say hi! i pretty much look the same as the profile picture on the right.


eStee said...

Thanks for your support, Brian!

brian koh said...

No worries! It was really good, there's a certain fire in the eyes of these technopreneurs! do remember me for more events of such!
- brian

DK said...

Shit.... I missed you.

brian koh said...

dk : haha, missed sniping me with a rubber band is it? haha! yeah.. kudos dude, i didn't know you were there if not i'd have asked Estee to introduce us!