a series of self-titled debuts
a little brain fart came to me the other night as i was walking home from the bus stop.
as some background, i love to think of new band names.. i don't know why, but i think of possible band names more than i think of possible album titles. i guess it's got something to do with the inconsistency in which i record material.
anyway, i was thinking of a band name, ohaiyo. i guess it was a play on the American city, Ohio, and also a reference to the Japanese greeting for "hello". yes, stuff like this excites me.. it shapes the sound i want to come up with.. and ultimately who i might be able to work with if i were to ever record or perform with such a collective.
and then it dawned onto me, if i love playing with different kinds of music, but instead of maintaining a different band for each of my interests.. why not just have a revolving door of musicians, songwriters and performers?
we wouldn't be a band.. but more a collective or record label called "a series of self titled debuts" and each band incarnation is basically the title of the album!
it's frickin' genius i tell you.. or possibly the most stupid thing anyone could think of.
but i like it, i'd like to write music for an incarnation of ohaiyo, or the ghost of anna karina, or attaboy! or whatever ludicrous names i've come up with.
why should music always be categorised in only one way?
"it's frickin' genius i tell you.. or possibly the most stupid thing anyone could think of."
i can hear your voice saying this in your accent so clearly brian =)
@sodabug: hahaha, you know me so well.. 'tis the singapore style!
i love this idea!
I think it is frickin' genius and if you get famous for it don't forget me :)
got other names too
how about
-Asian way of asking where Virginia is... and other associated meanings :)
@Jeremy: hahaha, Jem, you're one of the people i won't ever forget -) i'm not too sure about VirginAH! it might grow on me, that's something about the "AH" bit that looks semiotic-ally neat, but it reminds me too much of our bad enunciation. kekeke..
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