Sunday, June 10, 2007

we're touching it again

maybe there's an air of restlessness after not blogging properly for the past week. by that i mean, sitting down at my desktop and blogging specifically about a topic, or at least attempting to string a bunch of random words together and have them sound intellectual.

if you've been wondering where i was, i've been rather busy with reservist in the day and maintaining my social life in the night. it's a tough gig, but someone's got to do it. anyhow, it's back to work on monday, and quite frankly, i'm looking for it. my colleagues have been tempting me with some very good ideas and i'd love to have those creative juices flowing again.

it's also looking like a busy week in terms of bass playing. playing for worship on monday night, might be jamming either with leeson or one point brilliance on tuesday, and then meeting rudi on wednesday night for our little side project. which leaves thursday and friday night free for drinking, or being put on roster for youth service on sunday, which involves giving friday up for another bout of practice.

it's been quite awhile since my services have been in such constant demand. so it's quite amazing i have time for an online life. -)

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