Sunday, February 11, 2007

a sweet sensation of love
valentine's day is coming, but it doesn't really mean much to me. i've never had to spend it with anyone, and in fact, i'm really glad that last year, instead of treating it just like any other day, or being disappointed that i had to go 'dateless' again, rather i invited a couple of my friends over to my place for a good dinner and a round of drinks. it put things into perspective because hey, if you're not seeing anyone, why force yourself for the sake of one day out of three hundred and sixty five.

am i disappointed? hardly, i think i've grown a fair bit in the emotional department that good feelings aren't just generated from being with someone you like. if anything, if i wanted to start a relationship, it would be because we enjoy each other's company, and we actually do forsee ourselves loving and honouring each other for the duration of our natural lives. we will hate each other once in awhile, but only so that there's enough friction for us not to stagnate, and find something new each day to love at the end of it. perhaps it should be a parallel with our lord and savior, whose perfect love is the inspiration for the imperfection in the way we treat our loved ones in this mortal realm.

love. is not overrated.

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