Sunday, September 12, 2004

dear friend
dear jeannie, you wrote me a most heartfelt birthday greeting. love you loads.
dear vinz, you gave me shout-outs and friendship
dear cherie, thanks for your awesome card that reminds me so much of all that needs reminding
dear ian, thanks for remembering
dear jo, thanks for the card
dear cell : jos, peivn, charles, angie, angela, evelyn, jimmy, jess, amy, james, you are tremendous support, big part of perth life
dear elps, thanks for still reading
dear yuen, your kind words make me smile
dear film-crew : gaurusawa, uncle d, syrian, thanks for the pure madness
dear folk back home, i love you lots, thank you for loving me
dear mayfled, thanks for the jams
dear thomas, thanks for keeping in touch

everyone, thank you so much from the bottem of my heart.

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