Thursday, September 2, 2004

special assignment
the reality of it is that we're not celebrities played out by the media, but we're celebreties in our own right. sometimes i think people try too much to be wots on tv, but they can't because tv is biased. the media is biased. it displays one side of the story and has the sickening power to sensationalise and glamourise. mebbe sometimes we're really trying to escape, and pretend we're beautiful people as well. i know there are alot of physically beautiful people out there, and correct me if i'm wrong, but i think some of us get a kick getting associated with these people. thinking that if i know and hang with this person, i can't be that bad. it's called guilty by association, and perhaps we all have lapsed into that at one point or another.

your special assignment, is to start having a certain kind of self-confidence. if you're Christian, then i would say it's a confidence in God that glorifies Him, because who you are, is who He made you to be. in seeking Him, you become less and less, and see how fleeting who you think you are really is. -)

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