Monday, April 11, 2005

black out and blank out the skyye
i totally forgot that may fled had to play a gig tonight, because i thought it was next monday. and its strange to play a gig when your mind's not psyched for it? like you get excited because of the tension building up, but today there was no tension. it was only "orgh, gig tonight? play lor." so, i thought it'd be pretty anti-climatic, but i suppose we did good. got offered another gig this friday by some organiser, but we had to turn it down because there's a uni-cell combined session this friday night, and i'm co-leading worship, pray for me fellas.. i've never done it before, and that wot we do will be all for God (you) and not for our prides and selves. worship's not about wot we get out of, but whose holy name we're declaring.

sunday worship. that's wot i'm gonna call my new emo-styled band. anybody wanna join? lots of screaming and crying too.

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