Wednesday, March 9, 2005

true love waits
so i just watched the new will smith vehicle, hitch yesterday. and i'd say for this year, that's probably one of the more refreshing movies i've watched this year so far. it kind of ends of the movie with no real rules of finding love. mebbe there are rules for meeting women, but there are no real rules for finding love. hurmmm, pretty sappy 'moral of the story' moment, still in a bid not to be too cynical, i guess i did enjoy the performances of kevin james the most and found myself rooting for him to succeed.

the thing i didn't quite understand is that all the women questioned their partners the legitness of their feelings. i mean, wots up with that? hahaha, we're such losers we probably needed tips in the first place. does that make us any less endearing? -p are we men THAT scheming and bastardly? well, i guess nice guys finish last, and players first. but that's valid only if this life were some sorta competition. thankfully, we don't always see life this way, and those that are bent on conquest can play their own silly game and i hope that each of us doesn't get played by one of these people. who bathe in their so-called power.

when you've been purchased by the blood of the lamb, you're no longer bound by the 'rules' of this earth, and that's a glimpse of where freedom lies in the Christian faith. not in all our supposed boundaries. mebbe i'll talk more on that at a later date, i seem to be drifting.

and finally. i was a little cheesed off from the final bit where will smith just launches into this monologue about falling and being caught by the right one. i'm a little more cynical, but here are a few of my 'falling' verses over my short stint on earth.

and if you're falling
just keep falling
don't hit the ground

and i'd fall
fall low
follow you down

so you heard it here first, well, even after the movie, but im convinced i wrote those before the script was written. hahahaha, but i must give it to the writers, those were some really good quotes.