Wednesday, May 5, 2004

occurances of today, that make today, today
today's me old man's birthday. and i should stop talkin' like an arse. no seriously, happy birthday dad! wherever you are.. wish i could be there personally for you, but i'm here because of your generosity. i think you've given me more than i've given you, and thanks for not keeping score. to me, you're the greatest dad in the world, and i never wished that there was anyone else. thanks for showing me the ropes to everything, and being there at the end of it. God bless you and may he make all your paths straight. love you loads, your son.

in another strange occurance, after Media Industries, i happened to talk to my tutorial mate nicholas and apparently he knows sunitha and natalia from Screen Production One. well, i know sunitha, but i've only spoken to natalia a few times, and yeah.. haha, this is too cool i tell ya, they say i'm adorable! gahhhh!!! while that is a compliment, it also means i'm like some baby. hahaha, but hey, it's not everyday a czech-chinese beauty says that about you. haha, ah well.. *beams*

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